
Belarus at CERLAC

_DSC0596bBelarus Rowing Team has started their 40 days training camp. All camp will be held in CERLAC where the Belarus Olympic athletes, both female and male, are able to prepare the next international regattas and competitions.  So far, the training periods have been great with superb conditions on the natural course and very good weather.

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Australia preparation

Australian training camp is going on at CERLAC, in Spain, with the Olympic crews getting ready for the 2015 World Rowing Championships in France. The weather is being great and all the six crews’ are having very good training sessions on the water.

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IMG_4246This Australian six weeks training camp here is the last one from this rowing season, before the World Championships, with the CERLAC facilities being tested again. CERLAC staff is already looking forward to the next season, expecting to have more teams during November and December.


SSangyong Motor Company

logo_SSANGYONG_VCERLAC and SSangyong, a South Korean Motor Company, signed a sponsorship contract on the last 7th April. The deal was settled between Javier Rodriguez from SSangyong, Javier Soto from Caldaria Hotels and Jose Manuel Rodriguez from INORDE.

CERLAC’s staff has now a new SSangyong’s vehicle to answer to all the needs and we all expect that this new partnership will benefit all the parts involved.

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Paco Cubelos Laias

Canoeist Francisco Cubelos closes the training cycle at Cerlac for the Paris Olympic Games

The moment of truth has arrived for the paddlers who have trained at Cerlac for the Paris Olympic Games. Canoeist Francisco Cubelos has put the cherry on the cake in the Kayak category, thus joining the Canoe section of the Spanish Canoe Federation (Antía Jácome and María Corbera), the Portuguese Kayak section (Fernando Pimenta), the Argentine and Swedish Kayak sections and the Rowing and Kayak sections of Latvia. Good luck to all of them from the thermal village of Laias.

Equipo Remo holandés Phocas 3b


The rowing  and canoeing training center at Balneario de Laias will host a Thousand rowers and canoeists of the different nationalities this year, including the rowing federations of Spain and the  canoeing federation of Sweden, which have already started their concentrations in the town thermal  to prepare for de Paris 2024 Olympics, also  the Latvia Kayak Federation,  wich will be training at its facilities during de month of March.

Those who contribute  the most paddlers to Cerlac are the  teams from institutes and universities from England, the Netherlands an Denmark, and the presence of some of them, that of the Kayak Swedicsh Federation, extends for almost three months in intermitent periods. Several veteran clubs from the United Kingdom will also be at Cerlac preparing the competitions in  their respective categories..

Throughout this year,  Cerlac will welcome rowers and canoeists  from England, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, France and Netherlands, consolidating itsself as European reference for athletes practiciing these nautic disciplines .

In the pfhoto, shirts from  the Phocas club from the Netherlands training in Laias.

Equipos alemanes

Cerlac consolidates its international dimension with de presence of federations and clubs from Germany, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Portugal

During these firts months of the year, the Laias, Arnoia and Castrelo de Miño Rowing Trainning has welcomted the German and Spanish Rowing Federations and the Swedish Canoeing Federation, as well as club from Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Portugal, an activity that consolidates it as an international reference  for the practice of this sport in the waters of the Miño River.

Remo 2022

Teams and national teams from Spain, Germany, England and Portugal relaunch Cerlac after the pandemic

Cerlac has recovered its full activity this year after the two years of pandemic that prevented some clubs and national teams from enjoying the high performance centre of the thermal village of Laias normally. Germany, England and Spain have been the countries that have had more presence in the centre during the first part of the year, which also welcomed during this month of August teams from other countries that participated in the Coupe de Jeunesse de Castrelo de Miño.

On the part of Germany trained in the Cerlac the teams Jochen, Hassia and Rudergessel and the Paralympics of canoe; on the part of England, Putney, Shrewburry, Church Oxford, Thames and Auriol Kesin and on the part of Spain teams of the Absolute Selection and the Junior of Rowing and formations of the Canoe Selection, in particular the Absolute of Kajak and Canoe, the Sub 23 and the Paralympics. It was also present at Cerlac Portugal with its canoeing team.

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