The CERLAC high-performance centers Laias and Arnoia received for the first time Spain and Belgium canoeing national teams. Here they trained for preparing the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. In the first phase of the training, from June 25 to July 9, both teams trained together in the Arnoia centre, you can have a look to the pictures accompanying this report. The second training involving only the Spanish team, from July 17 to August 5 and it took place in the Laias center. Just after this last training the Spanish Olympic team will travel to Brazil to compete in this discipline in the Lagoa Freitas facilities. After talking with the coaches of both teams, they told us that they were very satisfied with the conditions that they fund in both centers, so they plan to come back next seasons. Meanwhile Cerla director, Antonio Marques, expressed the wish that the training done in our centers contribute to get the maximum performance for the paddlers during the competitions in August.